Case Study

Romeril Self Build Case Study

The Romerils from Dorset aimed to downsize and rebuild on a new plot. They visited Potton's Self Build Show Centre for inspiration and partnered with Potton to design and build their dream home. Read on to discover the challenges they overcame and find out why Potton was their perfect build partner.



Floor Area

2303sq ft

Completion Date

August 2018


Architectural design, Planning & Building Regs, Building Structure and Potton Package

Downsizing with a vision

Michael and Angela, were looking to downsize, staying in the county of Dorset. After missing out on their first potential plot due to a size reduction and a price hike they eventually found the perfect plot with an old bungalow ripe for rebuilding. To create their dream home they visited Potton's Self Build Show Centre. Inspired by their experience, they started work with us to design a bespoke home perfectly suited to their needs and the existing plot.

Full-service advantage

Taking advantage of Potton's comprehensive package, Michael and Angela secured architectural design, planning permission, and building regulation applications – making the initial process smooth and efficient.

Budgeting for the unexpected

While the total build cost came in slightly above their initial budget as unforeseen utility expenses emerged. The water authority's insistence on replacing the drainage system added a significant but necessary cost.

Overcoming challenges together

Relocating a telegraph pole and rerouting underground cables presented another hurdle. With the help of a supportive neighbour, Michael tackled much of the trench digging himself, significantly reducing the hefty quote from the electricity company. Their resourcefulness saved them money and strengthened their sense of accomplishment.

Building with confidence

Partnering with a contractor recommended by us, Michael and Angela opted for monthly site visits with additional remote communication through phone and email. Searching for materials by exploring local Dorset suppliers and larger providers further north.

A dream home takes shape

Their Potton build kicked off in August 2017 and completed just over a year later. Taking advantage of the whole-house insulation package, to help deliver an energy-efficient home.

We would recommend Potton to others looking to self-build. The most memorable moment was the erection of the frame - we really felt that we were underway then and could see the size and shape of the building appearing before us.

Angela Romeril

Why they chose us!

Michael and Angela praised Potton's design expertise. Particularly the knowledge and helpfulness of the self build consultant, along with the excellent work of the timber frame erection team.

Looking back with satisfaction

Looking back, Michael and Angela said they would recommend Potton to anyone considering a self-build project. Angela's most cherished memory? Witnessing the frame being erected, a tangible symbol of their dream home taking shape.

Visit our show centre

Visit the Potton Self Build Show Centre in St Neots, Cambridgeshire. Get inspiration for your home by exploring our five fully furnished show houses, each with their own unique design characteristics. Speak with our on-site self build consultants to discuss your project, whether you're looking for a plot, need a design, or you're ready to build.

Explore our show centre
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